
This is my blog for the artwork of two characters, a pug and a hedgehog, named Alfred and Casper respectively. If you have any requests, please comment them!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Inchy the Inchworm

I got a comment a the other day requesting another character. At first, I didn't like the idea because it meant not having the drawings centered around Alfred and Casper, but then I realized that it would actually be extremely helpful to have another character that could pop in whenever I needed more people. (for a party or something) but that wouldn't appear in everyone of my arts. At first, I had no ideas whatsoever at who I should add. I wanted it to be cute, small, and something that you could find in your own backyard. I also wanted it to be easy to draw, since I won't have as much time to practice drawing it as Alfred or Casper. As always, I turned to my true source of inspiration, (God), and asked him for a little help. Just after I did, I sat down and started surfing the internet, hoping for an idea, when one fell right out of the sky. literally. I had just been mowing, and I still had my cap on, and a little green speck fell from it onto my arm. My first reaction, (sorry Inchy,) was the yelp and flick the poor little guy. he went flying to the other side of my bed, where he lay, paralyzed. I quickly apologized, and introduced myself. He only looked at me with surprise, and then started inching his way off the bed. Carefully, I picked him up and set him on my bedside. After I took a few rough sketches, I gently carried him outside to his home. Inchy is still living on the tree in our backyard, but now he also lives in the world of Alfred and Casper! Sometimes, it's the little things, like an unexpected visitor, that can give you inspiration! As always, I hope to show God's goodness with my art, and I hope you enjoy my little painting of Inchy the Inchworm! ^.^  

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